I offer several services for graduate students wanting to have their own personal website to showcase their work and experience.

Why you should get a website?

  • Professional presence: your website will serve as an online portfolio, showcasing your skills, research, and accomplishments to potential employers and collaborators.

  • Networking: your website will allow you to connect with others in your field and expand your professional network.

  • Increased visibility: your website will increase your online visibility and make uyou more easily discoverable by those searching for information in your area of expertise.

  • Improved accessibility: your website will provide a centralized location for others to access your work, making it easier for you to share and receive feedback.

  • Better communication: your website will be used to share information about your research, projects, and events, helping your to communicate more effectively with your audiences.

How I can help you

  • Expertise: I have created a fair amount of high-quality academic websites and know how to frame your talents and expertise to make you stand out in your field. Your professional website will support your career in new unexpected ways.

  • Personalized attention: I work closely with my clients to understand their needs and preferenceso create a truly personalised website. I also offer packages with regular updates of the website as well as training.

  • Competitive pricing: I understand that graduate students budgets are often tight, which is the reason why I offer very competitive pricing.

  • Time-saving: You might not have the skills or time to create (or learn how to do so) your personal website. I will make your life easier and offer a streamlined and efficient design process to save you time and effort.

My services

  • Design and creation of a personal website

Do not hesitate to reach out for more information.